Програма за безвъзмездно финансиране на домакинства за изграждане на фотоволтаични соларни системи

Expected admission 2024: Grant programme for households to build photovoltaic solar systems

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With the growing interest in clean energy and sustainability, a new Grant Program is about to be launched for households to build solar PV systems under the National Recovery and Sustainability Plan. This provides a great opportunity to invest in clean energy and reduce electricity costs.

Application Criteria

The program is open to Bulgarian citizens and foreigners with permanent resident status. Applicants must own a single-family house or apartment in a multi-family residential building that is their primary residence and not affiliated with a commercial organization or non-profit entity.

Applicants must own a minimum of 51% of the freehold interest in the property. If the share is less, written consent from the other owners is required. For apartments in multi-family buildings, a minimum of 67% consent of the owners is required.

Households must use inefficient heat sources such as stoves, boilers, fireplaces or solid fuel (wood/coal) and provide evidence of electricity consumption for at least six months prior to application.

Building permits are also required for the installation of the solar system and no unpaid local property taxes and fees.

Application conditions

Find out what are the application conditions you need to meet if you want to apply for the European programme:

  • The applicant must be a natural person who may be a Bulgarian citizen, a citizen of another Member State of the European Union or a citizen of a third country with permanent resident status and occupy his/her own dwelling - a single-family building or a dwelling in a multi-family building.
  • The applicant must be the owner of the dwelling applied for. If the applicant owns less than 51% of the unit, written consent from the other owners is required. In the case of ownership in an apartment building, the applicant must also have the consent of the condominium.
  • The applicant's permanent address must match the address of the dwelling for which he/she is applying.
  • The dwelling for which the application is made must be located within the territorial limits of the municipality concerned.
  • There must not be a registered trader at the Trade Register or a registered non-profit-making legal entity at the address of the dwelling.
  • The dwelling applied for must be used for residential purposes only.
  • The dwelling must use a non-efficient source of heat such as a stove, boiler, fireplace, etc. operating on solid fuel such as wood, coal, etc.
  • The dwelling must have used electricity for at least 6 months prior to application.
  • Have paid all local taxes and fees for the property on which the installation or system will be installed.
  • A quotation for the supply and installation of the installation must be submitted or documentation of the installation already supplied and installed. These documents must include the price parameters of the delivery and installation as well as the technical parameters that meet the minimum requirements.
  • If the PV installation is to be installed in a multi-family residential building, a building permit must be provided.


The programme offers financing for PV systems up to 10 kW. The grant covers up to 70% of the cost of the system, but not more than 15 000 BGN.

Scope of the Programme

The total budget of the programme is around BGN 240 million, of which BGN 140 million is grant funding from the European Union and the remaining BGN 100 million comes from national public and private co-financing. Around BGN 200 million of these funds are earmarked for the construction of photovoltaic systems up to 10 kW. Around 9 500 households are expected to receive support, of which at least 4 000 must have received benefits in the last heating season.

Application procedure and preparation of documentation:

Study and preparation of Conceptual Design and Return on Investment.

First, a conceptual design with performance calculations and 3D visualization is prepared to check the feasibility of the size of the PV installation to be built and the amount of energy to be produced. We check that the possible PV installation does not exceed the needs and inform you about all the details (you will receive a questionnaire to complete).

Preparation of a Bid for the installation of a photovoltaic power plant.

Based on the conceptual design and your needs, we prepare a quotation including price and terms for delivery and installation of the PV system. As a Licensed Photovoltaic Power Plant Construction Company, we guarantee that the delivered equipment (photovoltaic panels, photovoltaic inverters and batteries, photovoltaic structure and accessories) and the installation made, meet all the requirements of the Photovoltaic Grant Program for individuals up to 15 000 BGN.

Consultation and Technical Preparation

The next step is the preparation of a Design Opinion - Electrical part and a Construction Opinion - Structural part by an architect-engineer and an electrical engineer. Preparation of the necessary technical documents (schemes, instructions, drawings, mathematical calculations, etc.) to meet the requirements of the electricity supplier.

Notification of the Municipality and the Chief Architect

After the notification, the operator will provide you with an addendum to the access and transmission contract with the technical requirements for the connection of the PV system.

Application for Building Permit

NOT REQUIRED for single family buildings.

Preparation of application documentation required by the PV Financing Program.

  • Proof of citizenship or permanent resident status.
  • Proof of ownership of the property.
  • Declaration of consent from co-owners (if applicable).
  • Condominium resolution (if condo).
  • Certificate of primary residence.
  • Electricity invoices for the last 6 months.
  • Building permit - not required for single family buildings
  • Quotation for supply and installation from a licensed company
  • Technical parameters of the installation.
  • Photographs of existing heat sources.

Application in EUMIS2020

The application process is fully digital through the EUMIS2020 platform. First, an account is created in the system, then the application form is filled in and the necessary documents are attached. We propose to manage and verify all documentation from start to finish, including the creation of a profile and its upload into the EUMIS2020. Bear in mind that when the control body starts checking documentation it will start asking questions that need to be answered in a good and timely manner and we will do all this for you. If you do not meet the deadlines or answer incorrectly you are likely to be refused funding.

What we offer

The application process and preparation of required documents can be complex and time consuming. Our team of specialists is ready to help you every step of the way. In addition to designing and building your PV installation, we can handle the preparation and submission of all documents, ensuring they meet all program requirements. This will save you time and effort and increase your chances of successfully applying for and receiving funding.

The program provides significant funding opportunities for photovoltaic systems and solar hot water systems. Although the process requires meeting specific requirements, the benefits of going green are significant. Increased energy efficiency will reduce electricity bills and contribute to household sustainability.

IMPORTANT! The program has not yet started and the conditions described here are based on last year's requirements. Conditions are expected to be similar, but there may be changes. Full terms and conditions will be made clear when the programme is launched.

It is expected that with this intake, interest will be very high and the maximum number of applicants will be reached in a short time. Timely preparation of documentation and a quick response to applications are essential for successful funding.

Don't hesitate to contact us today to learn more and get your clean energy project started!

Phone: 0893 556 772
Email: [email protected]


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